Saturday, January 31, 2009

Laundry Day - or not

A day at sea. The sun is shining. The water is mellow and the dolphins are sporting around the ship. It is a day to lean back and enjoy the sea air and the nice temperatures before contemplating packing, air travel and winter in Canada. I took opportunity to finish off the last of the postcards today. They bear Chilean stamps and will arrive long after we do but such is the nature of international mail. There have been few ports from which to mail things and after all, we've had things to do and see and can't always be looking around for post boxes when there are penguins to be admired!

Oh - before I forget - those of you who are timing out on your "visitor" status to this site - create an account and the problem goes away! There is no cost to it or anything it is just name and password stuff and easy to do.

Meanwhile - back on the ship. THis afternoon they are preparing for a Captain's reception and Champagne waterfall to be held after 11 pm. Our question is - "Who goes to these things and why?" I would think that the Captain, more than the rest of us, needs his rest and I certainly do not need to see champagne flow down 2 stories of ship. There is an OCEAN out there - and the ANDES and WHALES... perhaps we have been among other tourists a mite too long. The possibility exists. Some of these people do start to wear on one's nerves. As our daytime bartender put it - "it is not you guys, it is the other 4800 cretins..." (he is leaving for at least 4 months and glad of it). There was a near-war in the laundry room yesterday. Someone tried claiming territory by taking another's clothes out of the washer and it caused a fight necessitating security. Seriously folks, who has time to fight over laundry rights? Which leads to the title of today's posting. I thought I would do a load of laundry so I could have squeaky clean clothing to wear for the 3 day trip home. Apparently that is trickier than I anticipated so I may come home slightly offensive. So be it. As my dear friend Cathi told me - it isn't dirty until you get home from the trip. I am taking her advice to heart and think I will go find a nice fruit tart to have with my tea, talk to my new friends one more time and carry on with the mellow business of being on holiday. Besides - the milk and cookie people are out and they have WARM cookies. That is reason enough to adjourn!

Till tomorrow


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the daily, descriptive has been very informative and amazing! I have enjoyed the trip!!!!
    I know you are probalby sad to end this adventure, but it will be nice to have you (Marsha that is.. as I don't know Dale well enough to comment..??)back on wonderful SASK soil.
    Thanks again for the time and money spend on allowing me to travel along with you.
