Saturday, January 17, 2009

Alive in Argentina and underway

Well, we made it through the first bit of the journey. We left home on Thursday morning and drove through all known types of highway conditions to Lethbridge. We headed up to Calgary the next morning and caught our flight to Houston with no issues and it arrived early - which turned out to be a good thing because we walked off the plane, through the terminal to our connecting gate and on to the next plane - yikes! Oh well - we are now in Argentina, afloat on the Bahia that is the result of the Rio del Plata (Flat River - and the widest in the world) pouring into the Atlantic ocean.

First - before I go on - some housekeeping - you will see this post at the top of the page - if you want to see the earlier posts look to the right where there is an archive that you can click on or scroll down (I believe - I am new to this too!) and you will get the blog in reverse - you have to start at the very bottom to be in chronological order.

So now that you are all confused - back to Argentina. Due to the complications of flights and winter we were unable to get any useful time on the ground in Buenos Aires - but having said that - when we were flying over the area this morning it looked astonishingly familiar and homey - an awful lot like Saskatchewan in July - flat with fields stretching to the horizon past the city.

Buenos Aires deserves a visit by itself of course, but the view as we drove through the city was interesting with lots of blooming trees and beautiful European style buildings along the Avenida 9 de Julio - which was built to commemorate their independence from Spain in 1816 - well, it was built in the 1940s but the independence was in 1816.

We are now underway to Uruguay and our first landfall at Montevideo - I didn't sleep on the planes and Dale only really catnapped so we are currently running on adrenaline (and some Amstel draft for Dale)and have to be up to get to land by 8am - however, we are officially in holiday mode and are planning to enjoy ourselves thoroughly. For now - we wanted a few people to know we are alive and well and the boat floats just fine though the water is muddy.

More tomorrow. Penguins ho!

Dale and Marsha

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