Monday, January 19, 2009

At Sea headed to the Roaring 40s

This day finds us heading south by southeast for the Falkland islands. It is also Katie's birthday so happy birthday to her! The weather is gorgeous (by Canadian winter standards) - a pleasant 16 degrees with a light breeze and lots of sun. Dale is not the only one who is sun-kissed today. We have been lying around on decks with our books and our drinks and wathcing the endless blue ocean go by. Dale got up the energy to attend a lecture about Antarctica by a researcher who worked there in the 40s. Apparently they were going for expertise of a similar age to our fellow passengers! No further snide comments on that (hee hee). I keep intending to write postcards but haven't quite got to it yet. My excuse is that we can't mail them for 2 days anyways so what's the rush? As I sit in the internet cafe there is a wonderful South American trio playing tango music out in the foyer and every so often they are joined by a pair of dancers that make you remember what all the fuss over latin music and dance is all about. Stunningly beautiful and graceful! It looks like fun but we think we had best leave it to the professionals so as not to ruin a perfectly lovely dance.

We are in debate over a useful exercise program so that we fit in our clothing by the end of the week, never mind the end of the trip! Our waiter, as I mentioned before, has our number and true to form delivered eight desserts to the table for the 4 of us last night. The problem is - they really ARE very good and we really don't want anyone to have to THROW out food so... well, wish us luck.

In terms of housekeeping items - I indicated previously how to move around the site but I forgot to mention that all of you can also post comments if you wish. Not that we are lonely but we are wondering if there is anyone out there...???

I will cease and desist for the day - there is a show to attend and more dancing to watch. i may consider something for a little lunch or tea and there is a harpist playing later in one of the lounges. Dale has wandered off to find a watch as he apparently has lost all connection with time - wh ich I believe is the POINT to this trip.

Hasta Manana

Dale and Marsha


  1. Wow, Marsha - sounds fantastic! Steve & I just returned safely from our wonderful Jamaica trip. So we can identify with you about the excellent food & amazing varieties, at least that's what our all-inclusive resort was like.
    Your trip sounds so interesting - keep it up, Marsha!!! We'll follow avidly!

  2. Sounds like a heck of a lot of relaxing going on. I'm just jealous. Keep up the good work on the blog....waiting to hear more.
    Laurie and Dana
