Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More pics

Minefield warning sign, Falklands.

Magellanic penguin from Otway Sound, Chile. about an hour's drive from Punta Arenas (Straits of Magellan) . These penguins live like gophers. They dig burrows in the sand and live in a colony and pop up to look around. The adults move back and forth from the ocean to feed chicks. They live underground because unlike most other species, these guys have a terrestrial predator - a Chilean fox. Apparently foxes are smart enough not to mess with a 15" bird in a hole though.

Berg with Hole, Gerlache Strait, Antarctica

Gentoo Chick playing with pebbles, Falklands
Elephant Island. Home to Ernest Shackleton's marooned men for 4 months. They lived on seal and penguin meat and bits of algae and seaweed. It is a bleak spot to say the least.

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