Tuesday, February 10, 2009

And more again...

These are the last ones I will post unless there are special requests for something we haven't shown you.

This is us in front of a Glacier on King George Is., South Shetlands, Antarctica.

This gives you some idea of Charles Darwin and the Beagle in the Beagle Channel. We happened to be in the channel at the same time as this lovely tall ship.

An Example of striped ice. These bergs are often striped. The stripes are formed by layers of silt and algae that land between ice layers as the glacier forms. When they break off you get stripey bergs!

Penguins sporting in the ocean around the boat. We saw thousands of them doing this. These are Chinstrap Penguins near the farthest south point we reached - 65 degrees S latitude. They are very hard to capture in a pic as they are incredibly fast in the water. They reach speeds of 40kph and can dive 300m in less than 2 minutes.

Penguin landscape at a gentoo colony

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